Every year, Italian food guides rank the best pizzas in Italy and- spoiler- the best is not in Naples!

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00 flour, yeast, olive oil, water, salt, tomato, and mozzarella cheese: it seems that there are not many ingredients to prepare the recipe for the best pizza in Italy, and cooking this fantastic dish does not seem difficult. But how does a good pizza become superb? What is the secret of the best pizza in Italy?

A simple dish as pizza can be elevated to a genuine art form as the country's best pizza makers teach us. Every year there are several gastronomic guides that rank the best pizza in Italy and award special prizes to pizza makers who, with their mastery, transform the preparation of an essential dish into a work of high culinary creativity.

Let's find out where you can eat the best pizza in Italy for excellence and some special pizzas for real gourmets!

Foto Copertina: Stu_spivack 

Pizza dresses the space in colours and scents. And when it arrives on the table, the world falls in love.


The best pizza in Italy: the ranking of the championship of 50 top pizza

The best pizza in Italy

In 2017, 50 Top Pizza project started 2017 to create rankings that evaluate professionally the world's pizzas among which the best pizza in Italy. The lists include different categories, from pizza by the slice to take away, and closely monitor changing trends in the industry.

The evaluation method involves a large network of more than a thousand inspectors in Italy and around the world who are sent incognito to examine the most important pizzerias, which are evaluated according to the tastiness of the pizza, its digestibility, and the pizza maker's ability to make it special.

Let's look at the top 10 in the Best Pizza in Italy category, and surprise, surprise, the top one is not in Naples!

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10. In tenth place, we remain in Campania, in the province of Caserta, with the pizzeria Cambia-Menti managed by Ciccio Vitiello.

9. In ninth place, we go up the peninsula to reach Milan, where we find the renowned pizzeria called Dry Milano.

8. In ninth place, we enter the magnificent Eternal City, Rome, with 180g Pizzeria Romana.

7. In seventh place, we find the world hometown of pizza, Napoli, with La Notizia 94.

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6. It is a pizza from Roma that takes sixth place in the ranking: the pizzeria Seu Pizza Illuminati.

5. The pizza of Francesco & Salvatore Salvo, which we can taste visiting Naples, is positioned in fifth place in the ranking.

4. In fourth place we find the pizza of Tigli di Bonifacio in Verona: a nice surprise for the Veneto region.

And here is the podium.

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Bronze medal: The third place for the best pizza in Italy in the rank of the prestigious 50 top Pizza goes to the pizzeria 10 Diego Vitagliano.

Silver medal: The real breakthrough, however, was made by the pizzeria 50 Kalò of Naples, which, from sixth place in 2021, this year has won the silver medal as the best pizza in Italy.

Gold medal: The top step of the podium does not surprise the experts: for the third year in a row the best pizza in Italy (and therefore in the world) is that of Francesco Martucci of Masanielli in Caserta.

If there is a universal dish, it is the pizza, because it is limited to a common base - the dough - on which everyone can arrange, organise and express their difference.


The best pizza in Italy: special pizzas awarded by Gambero Rosso

The best pizza in Italy

The renowned wine and food guide Il Gambero Rosso is coming out in 2022 with the tenth edition of Pizzerie d'Italia from Gambero Rosso. This guide does not create rankings but evaluates the excellence of the pizzas through the system of cloves: the categories also do not only reflect great themes such as tastiness but go into more detail, investigating the world of pizza in all its facets.

Let's see some tasty examples of the best pizza in Italy together.

Pizza Tasting

The best pizza in Italy

The winner of this category in 2022 is the delicious "Dedicated to the sea" of the pizzeria Hofstätter Garten of Termeno, in the province of Bolzano. Here are the ingredients: half whole dough, Paccasassi of Conero, mozzarella, anchovies, crumble made up of bread, hazelnuts, nebulised anisette Rosati, lemon thyme.

A wonderful combination of ingredients.

Neapolitan Pizza

The best pizza in Italy

The Neapolitan pizza is a special kind of pizza characterised by a high, soft crust and a dough so delicate that it can be folded in on itself. For this category, the best pizza in Italy is "The unnamed" by the gourmet pizzeria known as Bottega Alessandro Bruner of Cardito. It is made with Caramasciano blue sheep cheese, and Bagnolese goat cheese produced with raw milk, Bagnolese pecorino, and almond brittle made with dehydrated raspberries.

An explosion of taste of the best Made in Italy products.

Italian Pizza

This is the category that rewards the most classic pizza, a symbol of Italy in the world. The LIke a roll by the pizzeria La sorgente of Guardiagrele, in the province of Chieti, is composed as follows: frayed pork shoulder, buffalo mozzarella, smoked buffalo mozzarella,  sweet and sour white cabbage, purple cabbage, Tropea onion, extra virgin, olive oil, julienne carrots.

Simple, good, iconic.

Pizza by the slice

This type of pizza, also known as pizza al trancio (pizza by the slice), is characterised by its quadrangular shape, baked in large rectangular trays, and sold in slices. The best of 2022 was created by the pizzeria Campana Pizza in Teglia of Corigliano Calabro. It is the “Sun recipe” made with strawberries, 'nduja, elder flowers in infusion, stracciatella, aged ricotta cheese, and fiordilatte mozzarella cheese.

A work of art worthy of the most refined palates.

Sweet Pizza

The most common version of pizza is undoubtedly the savoury one, but let's not forget its sweet version, particularly appreciated by the sweet tooth. For this category, the winner is the pizzeria Pucci e Manella of Formia. The pizza that earned it this award is the “Pizza made with Annurche apples”, garnished with  crème patissière and garnished with caramelised Annurche apples, Roman Gentile hazelnut, zest from lemons, and honey from Aurunci Mountains

A glutton's paradise created from the most authentic ingredients of Campania.

Do you know which is the best pizza in Italy?

The best pizza in Italy

• The championship of the best pizza in Italy: the ranking of 50 top pizza

• Gambero Rosso's special pizzas: the awarded categories as the best pizza in Italy

• Pizza Tasting

• Neapolitan Pizza

• Italian pizza

• Pizza by the slice

• Sweet pizza

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